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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Self-Help Anxiety | Strategies to Stop Worrying

Self-Help Anxiety Curing Strategies - Worry and Anxiety

If your suffering from anxiety and/or panic attacks, some simple self-help anxiety solving methods can really go a long way. A great deal of anxiety starts with our thoughts and worries. Learning to control these negative thoughts and stopping them from running wild is an extremely effective way to remove anxiety from your life.

Today's Self-Help Anxiety Curing Strategy - Stop Worrying!

Worries can distract you from what you need to focus on, keep you awake at night, and negatively effect you physically. Learning how to stop can be the most effective self-help anxiety strategy of all.

Some people worry about money, some about their relationships, and some worry about worrying! All this worrying fuels the symptoms of anxiety creating a damaging cycle which can lead to panic-attacks.

Some people think worrying is good for them. It keeps them on their toes or fulfills some ridiculous superstition. I don't know about you, but this type of thinking has never done me any good. It only brings more anxiety into your life. Anything that creates anxiety should be avoided at all costs.

A self-help anxiety method for defeating the worry cycle is to come to some realizations about life in general. A big source of worry stems from a desire to control every possible outcome our lives are faced with. Hoping and wishing things go a certain way at work the following day is a sure way to lose a night's sleep. And now that you've deprived yourself of sleep, what are the chances that the next day will be a pleasant one?

If you said zip, nada, or none you're on the right track. See, self-help anxiety methods are easy!

Seriously though, accepting that you cannot control every outcome in your life and coming to peace with uncertainty is the key to ending worry and anxiety.

Bad things happen to everyone and they will certainly happen to you again. There's nothing you can do about that fact of life. But what you can control is what you do in the meantime. And using the in between time to worry about what's next hasn't benefited you so far, has it?

Give up on trying to control what happens next. When you use self-help anxiety strategies to conquer fear and worry, you can handle those times when bad things actually do happen with a clear confident approach. The more you contemplate self-help anxiety strategies like this, you'll clearly see that there's no point to worrying about what happens next. You start to live in the moment and that's where a pleasant life really begins.

But what about all that empty space I have now that I'm not worrying anymore? How do I fill it?

My answer is to double your winnings and try some positive thinking.

The self-help anxiety method of positive thinking is one you may find easy at first, but don't get too relaxed. Well yes, the point of this whole site is to relax, but what I'm saying is that it's quite simple to fall right back into your old worrying habits.

Practice positive thinking relentlessly. The negative thoughts will always try to creep back into your head. They'll never give up, but you can become more aware of them and shun them away quicker and more often.

Stop worrying now and replace those worries with positive thinking. These are both excellent self-help anxiety curing strategies.

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